Apr 19, 2016
My upcoming book, Strategic Thinking in Complex Problem Solving, is available for pre-order. It will ship on August 3, 2016.
The book includes many of the ideas covered on this site with a deeper treatment and references. Here is a brief intro:
“Whether you are a student or a professional, you can benefit from being better at solving complex problems. Structured Problem Solving provides a general framework and practical tools to help you do so.
Based on his groundbreaking course at Rice University, engineer and former strategy consultant Arnaud Chevallier provides practical ways to develop outstanding problem solving skills, such as investigating complex questions with issue maps, using logic to drive creativity, designing and conducting better analyses using argument mapping, leveraging analogical thinking to approach unfamiliar problems, and managing diverse groups to foster innovation.
The tool kit integrates knowledge from a multitude of academic disciplines easily accessible by non-specialists; it also includes multiple examples for illustration. As it guides you through the various stages of solving complex problems, the book also provides templates so that you can easily use the tools on a personal project and learn by doing.
As such, you don’t just learn about problem solving but you learn how to actually do it.”Get it from Amazon.Get it from Oxford University Press.Get it from Barnes & Noble.